The Healer and the Pirate

The Healer and the Pirate is available now on Kindle and Nook, and in print at Lulu and Amazon!

Monday, January 2, 2012

50 things I am thankful for from 2011

OK, 2011 was kind of a rough year, but there were a lot of good things too. I decided to look through my blog to see things I was thankful for.
  1. A Rotterdam November
  2. Ragefest 2011
  3. Camping chairs at Ragefest 2011...I must be getting old but man it was sweet to not have to stand for 10 hours straight.
  4. New cell phone!
  5. Finished a draft of Flight from Endwood
  6. VNSA book sale...
  7. ...and gingerbread unicorns!
  8. Tucson Festival of Books 
  9. Florida Renaissance Festival..
  10. ...with Maggie! 
  11. Also Wonderfool
  12. Seeing Skillet live with Rachel and Emily (especially Hero with pyro!)
  13. Discovering squirrel monkeys are cute.
  14. The Tampa Bay airport....
  15. ...and falling in love with my Tiny Duffy.
  16. Trying to devote 100 hours to writing/prayer/church/God.
  17. Twice!
  18. Mom
  19. Recalling San Diego
  20. Making myself laugh
  21. Getting a much-needed new laptop
  22. Never being hungry all year
  23. Dad
  24. Sooooo many wonderful friends.
  25. Liberty Bond Cat
  26. Watching the Back to the Future trilogy
  27. Winning free books O_O
  28. Getting a Kindle!
  29. Kindle sleeve
  30. Homely unicorns
  31. Chalk drawings
  32. Providence
  33. And procrastination
  34. Talk Like a Pirate Day
  35. Prescott, Arizona
  36. My brother
  37. Old forgotten music
  38. Winged unicorns
  39. Halloween
  40. TusCon
  41. The Healer and the Pirate - published!
  42. On Lulu too!
  43. And no more editing!
  44. Working on the next book
  45. Freegal
  46. Disneyland!
  47. Love is Breathing 
  48. New blog devoted to beloved Tiny Duffy
  49. Pizza pizza, yum yum
  50. BABY!  I am an aunt!

Happy 2012, everyone!

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