Just like today, the advice columns sometimes miss part of the question. (I'd love to hear about 1920s sunscreen, but no...)
The Woman's Exchange
Remedy for Sunburn
To the Editor of Woman's Page:
Dear Madam--I have just returned from a stay at the shore and find myself very much sunburnt. I would like to know what to do to get my skin white again. Also, could you tell me what to use to prevent sunburn, as I intend going away again at the end of this month and don't relish this discoloration of the skin very much.
What would be an appropriate gift for a new-born baby? Should the gift be to the baby or to the mother?
Lemon juice is a fine remedy for sunburn. Apply it to the face daily and in time your skin will become white again. Cold cream is also an excellent remedy, as it does not dry the skin like lemon juice. Use it every night before retiring.
A pair of kid shoes, a cap or a pair of gold pins for the baby would be an appropriate gift and should be given to the mother.
--Evening Public Ledger, Philadelphia, PA, August 20, 1921
Different advice column. I find this sadly quaint. (Though it shows the difficulty of even a Christian historical romance writer, seeing how some people even in the 1920s frowned upon a good night kiss, yet modern audiences seem to want the leads to kiss…)
Please Tell Me What to Do
Regrets She Kissed Him
Dear Cynthia--Will you be kind enough to give me some advice?
I have been going with a fellow quite some time and think a great deal about same. He insists that I kiss him every time he leaves our house. I persisted for some time, but liking him, gave in, and now let him kiss me just once when saying goodnight. And now I do nothing but regret giving in, and would like to know what to do. I am past my 'teens, so you see am not so young and am in doubt about this matter. If I refuse to let him kiss me he gets angry. There is no understanding between us. Will you kindly tell me what to do? I would appreciate an early reply.
Tell him you feel that you have made a mistake, that you do not feel you should kiss him unless you intend to marry him--and stick to it.
Loves Friend's Girl
Dear Cynthia--Once more for your valued advice.
My friend and I have been going with two girls for a long time. Until lately we did not know each other's girl. After being introduced to her and going out together (that is, the four of us), I have fallen in love with her. I have been going with my girl for a long time, but never have I felt toward her as I feel toward his girl.
I know that my friend also loves his girl as much, probably, as I do, which is hardly possible.
I care very much for his friendship. Oh! What an awful predicament to be in. What shall I do?
Hard luck, B. S.! Find out from your friend if he is engaged to the girl. If he is, hands off. If not, tell him you do care and you will give him first chance to tell her of his love, but after that if she does not accept him you'll have a try.
--Evening Public Ledger, Philadelphia, PA, August 20, 1921
This is an excerpt from the delightful end of a serial.
The Good Pirates
The Pirates' Gift
"Weep not for the ship and the goods you lost," said Captain Black Eye. "New ships can be built and new goods can be bought."
"Not without money," groaned the captain of the wrecked ship. "We lost all we had when our boat was smashed on the rocks."
Captain Black Eye whispered orders to the pirates and they, giving a glad shout, hurried away toward the cave. Soon they came back again, their pockets stuffed full of something they kept carefully hidden from sight. They were grinning from ear to ear, and looked like a lot of boys up to some prank.
Captain Black Eye spread a canvas in front of the shipwrecked folks, and then spoke to them.
"For many years we were bad pirates, sailing the tossing seas," he said. "During that time we robbed scores of rich ships and took great treasures. Now we have become good pirates and instead of robbing folks we are going to do good to them. Behold the fine fortune we bring to you."
At that the laughing pirates emptied their pockets upon the canvas--emptied them of golden coins, of diamonds, of pearls, of emeralds, of rubies, of sapphires, of precious gems of all sorts.
"These will build you a new ship ; these will buy you new goods ; these will start you all on the road to wealth," cried Captain Black Eye, and the pirates laughed with glee as they saw the looks of delight that came upon the faces of the astonished shipwrecked folks. These couldn't believe their ears when they heard what the captain said.
The fairies danced happily upon hearing the captain's words. "When a pirate gives away his stolen gold and jewels that is the best proof he has become a good pirate," said Magisco. "Never again will I have to shut up Captain Black Eye and his bold crew."…
--Evening Public Ledger, Philadelphia, PA, August 20, 1921
There are other neat stories too! Ending with a fashion photo that isn't an ad, for once. Oh, Paris, trying to make long skirts come back in fashion.

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