The Healer and the Pirate

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Disarmament; Dr. Adolph Lorenz; 336 Hours to Christmas

Draft of Proposed Pact Is Formally Laid Before Arms Parley

WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 10--A draft of the proposed treaty between the United States, Great Britain, France and Japan, which is to supplant the Anglo-Japanese alliance and pave the way for an acceptance of the American proposals for a naval reduction, was formally laid before the arms conference today by Senator Lodge.

--The Evening Herald (Klamath Falls, Or), December 10, 1921

Clinics for Poor Cripples Will Be Continued; Receives an Offer From College

NEW YORK, Dec. 10--Although keenly hurt by the cold shoulder which he said the medical profession of America had turned toward him, Dr. Adolph Lorenz, famous Australian (sic), indicated tonight he would carry on his free clinics for cripples here.

"I'll stay, if they don't throw me out," he said.

Dr. Lorenz attributed the feeling against him to animosities bred by the war. The people as a whole, though, had been wonderful beyond description in their reception of his work," he added.

"Whether I go home to Vienna or stay is entirely up to the health commissioner of New York," he declared.

Health Commissioner Copeland said he would see to it that Dr. Lorenz remained….

"My great mission was to thank the American people for all they have done for the starving little children of Vienna. I did not fail in this."

Dr. Lorenz did not disappoint 75 crippled children who had gathered at Health Commissioner Copeland's office today, seeking his aid….

When Dr. Lorenz stopped to rest and sip some tea, Dr. Copeland said to him:

"We have in America a type of citizens we call 'd--- fools.' Don't be disturbed by them…I have received word that my university, the University of Michigan, is open for you. The health officer of Newark, Dr. Charles V. Craster, is here, and he wants you to go there and assist in caring for the crippled in that city."

Dr. Lorenz replied:

"I have done what I could with a clear conscience and a good heart. I will continue if God assists me."

--The Evening Herald (Klamath Falls, OR), December 10, 1921

Apparently, Dr. Lorenz nearly won the Nobel Peace Prize, though I'd never heard of him. has an interesting write-up of him...apparently he couldn't operate due to an allergy to carbolic acid. It looks like he performed manipulations and such without cutting into people.

And this caught my eye because frankly, about half the 1920s comic strips, I don't follow at all. I think this one works today.

--The Bemidji Daily Pioneer (Bemidji, MN), December 10, 1921

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