The Healer and the Pirate

The Healer and the Pirate is available now on Kindle and Nook, and in print at Lulu and Amazon!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Characters Keep Coming Back

I'm still working on a short story that's changed main characters, storylines, POV characters (twice!), storylines again, and even themes. More changes than I can count at this point. One thing the story really needed was a clear antagonist (see: Why Every Story Needs a Zombie by Jody Hedlund).

No, the character I started with in my imaginings a couple years ago isn't the antagonist (I don't think). But my antagonist has a...let's call her a victim of sorts, I suppose. My jaw dropped today when I realized this victim could VERY easily be a slightly revised version of that character I had intended to put in this (now-changed) story. Which means that I could write a companion story where her story gets told after all.

Well, I think it's interesting, anyway.

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